Windows 8 Consumer Preview Theme

Windows 8 Consumer Preview Theme Rating: 5,5/10 6281 votes

Windows 8 Consumer Preview is out now and following its release, Microsoft has started sharing some impressive related stuff starting with a Windows 8 theme. ‘Nightfall and Starlight panoramic theme’ is not a basic Windows 7 like theme but a special theme designed for Windows 8, featuring panoramic backgrounds meant for dual monitors. It is a beautiful theme packed with 9 stunning widescreen desktop wallpapers depicting nature, all in high-resolution of 3840×1200. Do give it a try out if running Windows 8!

The Windows 8 Consumer Preview offers a more robust experience for testing the world's most popular operating system and is available to the widest range of people yet following the initial release of the Windows 8 Developer Preview late last year.

  1. Customization, Windows, Windows 8, Windows 8 Themes 0 Comments Windows 8 has been around for at least a year now, if you start counting from the Consumer Preview and even longer if you consider the Developer Preview as the first public introduction to the operating system.
  2. Windows 8 Consumer Preview is out now and following its release, Microsoft has started sharing some impressive related stuff starting with a Windows 8 theme.‘Nightfall and Starlight panoramic theme’ is not a basic Windows 7 like theme but a special theme designed for Windows 8, featuring panoramic backgrounds meant for dual monitors.
  3. Microsoft has just taken the wraps off Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 5 as part of its announcement of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. 27 comments / new February 29, 2012.

Nightfall and Starlight panoramic theme

Designed to extend seamlessly across dual monitors with identical resolution settings, this dramatic free theme for your Windows 8 Consumer Preview desktop also shifts your glass color to match each stunning, wide-angle image. Explore distant galaxies, verdant meadows, steep mountains, and serene seas without ever leaving your chair.

Download Here (Size: 7.8 MB)


  • This theme can only be used in Windows 8 Consumer Preview or Windows 8 Developer Preview. However, you can use a archive tool like WinRAR to extract the wallpapers from theme and use them elsewhere.

  • Panoramic images will automatically extend across both displays of a dual-monitor setup if both monitors have the same resolution settings. If the displays are different sizes or have different resolution settings, a different image will appear in each monitor.

  • Wwe 2k17 ps4 download for android. Panoramic themes can be used on single monitor setups, but only the center part of the image will be visible.

This version is up to Win10 v1909 (10.0.18363.752).
Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.5.3 - change log
This version is for Win10 10.0.14393 only.This version is for Win8.1 6.3.9600 and for Win10 up to 10.0.10586.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview Themes

Aero Glass for Win8 v1.3 - change log
IMPORTANT: This is for Windows 8 ONLY and it does NOT work on Windows 8.1.
  • Installer (32-bit+64-bit Windows) - requires SecureBoot to be disabled


Windows 8 Consumer Preview Theme For Windows 7

  • DLL tool to bypass UXTheme signature verification - Windows 10 compatible (use AppInit_DLLs registry value to install)
  • Command line tool to change window's composition attributes (for very ADVANCED users only!)

Preview Themes For Windows 10


Windows 8 Developer Preview Download

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